Thursday, April 02, 2009


One morning, upon waking, I found myself transformed into a crocodile. After some initial trouble adjusting to my new situation (I dropped my favourite teacup on the floor), I found that living in a crocodilian state was not without advantages. I could swim effortlessly through water, break the legs of a full grown wildebeest with a single sweep of my tail, and hide at the water's edge by taking on the appearance of a waterlogged piece of lumber.

I took up residence in a small pond in a local park, and before long I had become something of a local celebrity. People would feed me breadcrumbs and pieces of sausages, small children would ride on my back, and pensioners would challenge me to friendly games of chess. All would have been well, if not for the rapid approach of winter. I decided it was time to leave for warmer climes and stowed away in a crate of potatoes, which I belived would be exported to Madagascar, or possibly Tortuga.

After a long journey and a series of comical misadventures, I found myself on the moon.

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