Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Books books books

It's been...god, what, three years? Five? since I saw the book, that once. Then I forgot the title, and then I hunted for it, frantically, for two months, followed by resignation and an occasional poke about.
We've run out of ISBN numbers, you know. Ten digits and not they're too few; we're moving up to thirteen. That's a lot of book to sift through, right there. So I thought I'd never find it again.
Then three weeks ago I tripped over the title by chance. The Art of Looking Sideways.
It's damn near enough to make a man believe in miracles, if he didn't already. I ordered it immediately, I got it today.
This book...this book is glorious and sprawling. I fancy myself, in my vanity, to have seen quite a few books; this one is like none of them.
It claims to be 533 pages, but in fact it's twice that: it counts by spread, not page.
It has a chapter named »Insignia«.
It's like the internet in book form.*

I'd recommend it to everyone who likes things.

*Minus the porn and fourteen-year-old scriptkiddies. Cha-ching! Jackpot!


Insignia said...

I like things! I will come to your house one day and steal your book. Borrow! I mean borrow!

Johan Sandås said...

On the one hand, you now own a book that I’ve never even heard of but have always wanted anyway, somehow.

On the other hand, I won’t have to spend years looking for it. I could order it right now if I wanted to. So I think we're even.

On the third hand, the N in ISBN stands for Number, so the expression “ISBN Number” is Good and True.