Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Faerie Exchange

Boggart prices fell in early trading today, after yesterday's unexpected rain of Boggarts over Newcastle-on-Tyne and outlying villages.
Ghillie Dhu remained strong on the market, and Kobbold trading experienced a temporary spike following the shortage after the Iron Incident in Sidhe Schwartzwald Mines.
Grogans, Fachan and Bean Nighe continued to waver mildly around their usual values, as did the Pwc, who remain entrenched at the top of the chain. Many analysts feel that continued Pwc investment is risky in the short term, however.
In this month's greatest shock, dáoine sidhe prices plummeted in late trading immediately following reports of a scandalous hoarding by certain parties for purposes of index control. Auberon Lipschitz, attorney-at-twilight, threatened »sixfold curses, curdled milk and complimentary Cluracaun« to anyone who dared lower prices further, citing the havoc of 1616 as a precedent. Snarko Batarde, our inexplicably Spanish man on the scene, commented that »él ha estado utilizando que la misma amenaza por siglos« and stated »Lipschitz es desdentado«.

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