Sunday, May 28, 2006

Fighting creationism

Creationists assert that the creatures of earth have been designed by a conscious force (i.e. God), rather than having evolved through the process of Darwinian natural selection. This is patently ridiculous for several reasons, but there is one fact that more than any other once and for all disproves the notion of intelligent design:

The absence of flying whales.

I mean, seriously! What kind of designer would create an entire inventory of lifeforms only not to include flying whales?

There are other compelling arguments against creationism, like the lack of hyperintelligent octopedes or the existence of Clockmaker, but I think I've made my point.


Anonymous said...

The word you-re looking for is diaspora.

Anonymous said...

Also, Wendy: does that mean that the ID-ers built Clockmaker too (or maybe grew him in some kinda bio-vat)? Cuz that'd make so much sense.