More Songs about Buildings and Food
Today, I am going to make bread. I am going to make bread without yeast, because it’s the end of the month, and I can’t afford both yeast and flour.
(Note 1: who knew that wheat flour, left in a cupboard for two years, goes bad?
Note 2: I have two small bags of “chemical yeast”, but the pictures of fluffy loaves with googly eyes and extatically smiling mouths fill me with horror. Also, the instructions are in French. While I read French well enough to decipher them, I do not speak French, and so it seems likely that I don’t eat French either. Spending an hour making bread only to find out it’s in a language I don’t eat would be disappointing, to say the least)
I won’t need yeast. It seems that if you leave a dough of flour and water for a long enough time, it will start to rise. The common explanation is that there is a thing called “air-borne yeast”, which will find its way into your dough and start the process. This is clearly not the real explanation. Clearly, the real explanation involves gnomes.
The bread should be finished tomorrow. It is somewhat unclear what I will eat today.
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