Friday, August 18, 2006

Why Oh Why

Yet Another Quick Link, And Yes, I Am Irreparably Late

Because I simultaneously love and hate you all, here's Green Evening Stories, which is simultaneously splendid and permanently unfinished. Enjoy! Until you reach the end, which is also the middle, and attain the gut-wrenching realization that you're cut off from any more, forever.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

One More for the Road

(one more link, that is)

If you were to read a comic about cats in prohibition-era St. Louis, you would prefer said comic to be tastefully sepia-toned, right?


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Well, it matters to me

"Don’t tell us what happened: tell us why it matters."

That's the single most useful writing tip ever. The rest of the article pales in comparison.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Goddammit Incognito, Work!

A tableau at the breakfast table.

“You are clearly mistaken, Madam!” I said. “My name is Charles Therrault, and I’m a trout and salmon salesman from Salem, Massachusetts. I’ve never seen you before in my life.”

“For heaven’s sake,” my mother said, “I just asked you to pass the orange juice.”

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Incredibly Relevant Music Review

Artist: Fantômas
Record: Suspended Animation

  • Semi-obscure literary reference: check.
  • Cd cover in the form of stylish ring bound fold-out wall calendar for the month of April, complete with a hole for the nail: check.
  • Pink cd, with flowers and kitten: check.
  • The music: not so hot. Better luck next time.