Containing also a delayed note on the Badgerversary
So we went to Wales again, and then came back. Which was good, you see, because Britain at this time of year is resplendent with greenery and suchlike, whereas Sweden, much as always, is Sweden.
We lived in Caernarfon, and we spent a day ambling through the town, mainly the castle, which is huge and well-preserved to the point where you can nearly get lost in it. Caernarfon Town itself is so small you can hardly do anything there, but the town doll's house shop is commendable in quality and there are several fine sources of palatable edible objects. Unfortunately, no Great Uncle Cornelius' Lemon Refresher.
We spent another day traversing the land on an antique-locomotive-driven railway and footpaths through sheep pens, observing mountains. They were good about it and didn't move or knock about any, and so we saw them and knew that they were good.
And. We spent nearly two days traveling. So really, avoid going to Wales by way of London no matter how great the allure of cheap airfare is. The trains will bilk that right back out.
Unusually, I wasn't harassed in customs even once during the whole trip. Hence, to compensate, the scanner people nicked my pocket knife, so that now I have none.
Things I learned, in no particular order:
- There really is no reason to live in Sweden, at all. None. Whatever. Really. I mean this in the most sincere way possible.
- The British, bizarrely, by and large seem not to know how to drink tea. What the crude interjection?
- Humans who snore will cost you sleep. Don't let your thriftiness get the better of you; let a room of your own instead of a dorm.
- Foolish planning may cost you or your loved ones a Pigguretto, not to mention a whoppingly whopping train ticket price.
- Quite possibly the single biggest benefit of the UK is the existence of Aero brand mint chocolate. Number two may be two-liter bottles of Dr. Pepper, but the Captain refuses to back me up on this.
- Things unavoidably work out. Perhaps society is constructed this way, or maybe the Tao just makes good on its promises, but things kind of fall into place by accident even were you to just roll your thumbs and kind of whistle off-key.
- Sheep can and will taunt you.
I will reiterate most strenuously: do
not go by way of London unless you plan to stay some days there first. The small bit of extra cash for flying direct to Cardiff really is worth it for the improved inland travel comfort and ditto time.
Do not. Do go to Wales at all. If possible, stay there.
In closing: The Badgerversary came and went, and we were as dead as ever, but I have a birthday present, and it will appear eventually. I think. Furthermore, once during a doldrum in work on the City I resolved to write at least one piece a week, be it short or be it shite, and that worked, for me. So I use this resolution again: one Badger a week. At least. For the foreseeable future.